Saturday, November 17, 2007

Jenediah's Kismet : Chapter 8 - The Unrest -

"One needs not fear the impending doom that awaits us, one needs not run from the inevitable end of our fragile lives, one only needs to stand up and face it with courage and steadfast chivalry, for with courage brings honor and by attaining that, all else is secondary. A wise man fears not, for a man in fear does not think"
- Unknown Primarch of the Adeptus Astartes Blood Ravens Chapter -

The 8 friends has set their courses directly towards Jenediah's house, a little ways from Eugene's residence at USJ. The silence in every of the 5 cars that were driven each by Thim, Koon Teng, Eugene, Jhun Ming and Ronny was highly unusual. Mostly due to their nature of blabbering encyclopedia's worth of words in just a matter of minutes. The silence of Ronny's car, which consists of Driver Ronny and Abel, was abruptly ended by Ronny.

Ronny: Whats really happening?

Abel: I have no idea, I could only hope for the best, but hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

Ronny: Then why hope?

Abel: You got any better ideas?

Ronny: Why don't you tell me what you're thinking regarding whats happening right now.

Abel: The Divine Pact is broken? maybe...

Ronny: Tell me, why would something like that happen?

Abel: It happens all the time.. just that it always seems to go unnoticed.

Ronny: What do you mean?

Abel: I'll tell you next time, right now we need to focus on finding Chin Huey.

With that said, the convoy of 5 cars pulled into Jenediah's neighborhood. What was installed for them was unexpected, an unearthly presence seems to have corrupted every single building around it with a taint of heresy. Buildings were tilted to an angle which were seemingly defying every law of physics, roads with garbage strewn all over the place and the stench of rotting flesh filled the air. At the end of this overwhelming sight, lies the house... or whats left of Jenediah's house. The house was gone, all thats left were rubble and a sight the bunch thought they would never in their entire lives see..... corpses, hanging on hellish contraptions with pure sadism. These corpses were hung on pillars of spike and were planted on an organized formation, one on each side of the house's pathway with an interval of 3 meters before another dangling corpse was seen planted. This stretched on for 12 meters, at the end of this ghastly walk, the group of 8 friends were then confronted with the cause of the neighborhood's fall from grace and corruption. Standing 8 feet tall,12 feet across, was a hellish gate which seems to have been erected recently. This... is a gateway.

Jhun Ming: Er.. Erm... I didn't check the backyard, now I know I should've known better.

Thim: The house was still intact when you came right?

Jhun Ming: Not only was the house still intact, the whole freaking neighborhood still looks... normal.

Abel: This.... portal, I'm sure you guys have a clue as to where it leads. The corruption of what lies beyond is now seeping through to our world, and therefore recreating this neighborhood into an exact replica of how the other side looks like.

Eugene: .... Is...... Erm....

Reuben: What was that you were saying Eugene?

Eugene: *mumbles*

Ronny: Erm... Er... Eu-Eugene? You wanted to say?

Eugene: Hell... Is that .. Hell?

Abel: No that's not Hell, not directly at least. But a portal which leads to a mid-dimension between Hell and Earth.

Eugene: And what is... is that realm called? The middle dimension place... thing.. you were saying.

Abel: Well call it whatever you want, some call it The Nether, The Oblivion, some call it The Place Where No Angels Walk, some calls it The Realm of Chaos, The Immaterium, I just call it The Unrest.

Eugene: Why did you call it that?

Abel: Well, you'll soon find out.

Everyone: *stones*

Thim: You are actually telling us to step in there? Dude, the vortex of any gateways, big or small will tear us to shreads if we were to go in unprotected.

Abel: I know, thats why I am asking you guys now to get into your cars, and we'll drive in. The hull of your cars will be enough to protect us through the interdimension travel.

Jhun Ming: I don't wanna sound stupid at a serious time like this now, but it seems so like freelancer now... oh well...

Iverson: Hey guys!! WAIT UP!!! SUP' SUP' KARIPAP Su-.. Whoa... WTF??!?! What is that thing wei?

Thim: No time to explain, are you with us or against us?

Iverson: Well I'm with you guys but what the hell is tha-

Reuben: Guys, something seems to be coming out of the gateway..

Abel: Everyone!! RUN!!!!

-To Be Continued-