Saturday, November 1, 2008


Just came back from over 6 hours of walking around aimlessly in a few different shopping malls....
Reason why? Aunt wants to go and I couldn't say no(more clothes you see.....) The shopping and walking around wasn't the tiring part... it's taking care of my five year old mixed white blood speakerbox of a cousin named Hugo that really wore me out...

But hey he is a lively fella and cute too... kids right? always curious and always sensible in the most insensible of ways xD

On another note... Finally got to find the picture of my dad owning my cock..... AND NO... before you start getting disgusting filthy mental images of my own dad killing my manhood.. your wrong... i am talking about my chicken... yearp... I have a live chicken in my house... noisy as hell....and that cock loves to fight... for fun I guess.. and my dad loves entertaining him/it/whatever... and this is what happened after like 15 minutes of fighting.

Nando's anyone? (Mr. Cocky is still alive tho don't worry)