Friday, July 27, 2007

Jenediah's Kismet : Chapter 3 - Return to Innocence -

*Chin Huei woke up to a very desolate and unfamiliar place. A thousand nerves at the back of his head cried out in pain as though he was knocked by something blunt and hard. He wanted to reach for that part of his head that is stinging the wits out of him, but as he did so, he realized he was bound to the ground by iron chains that had razor sharp edges at the inner cuff links. The inner cuff links were designed as such that if a victim bound to it were to struggle or move as to even more than an inch of it's original bound position, that particular limb would be severed right off of him. Stretch out into a position which mimics the likes of 'The Vitruvian Man' made by Leonardo Da Vincci, Chin Huei though it is best to just stay put and thank God that unlike 'The Vitruvian Man' , Chin Huei still had his clothes on. A brief inspection made Chin Huei realise that although the position in which he was bound was the same as the likes of Da Vincci's artwork, the circles in which surrounds him is somehow more sinister. It is a well drawn parabolic circle that has lines that stretches out from five points all in the same angle as each other. In seeing that the lines are co-joined to one another, Chin Huei realised that this is no mimic of The Vitruvian Man for it contains something more diabolical in it. He then whispered to himself, "The Horned Star . . . . . "

????: Very wise of you Chin Huei, it seems there is more inside you than meets the eye. Tsk tsk tsk, what a wasted soul. Too bad I picked you first other than the rest.

CH: Wha?! dude whats happening man? eh help me take these chains off, and where the fuck are we?

????: Relax Chin Huei, the more you struggle the more you will appease to the devils inside you and the devils beneat.

CH: What in the !@##@$#@$!@#@#%$#%!!@##@#$!@#!@#(censored) are you talking about? stop fooling around and help me out la! I swear to God the moment I am free I'll fucking pwn you!

????: Hoho take it easy my friend, God would not answer you're prayers from here, this place is a place even a great and mighty being such as God would not dare enter.

CH: TIU LEI MEH?! Your brain masuk air arh?! RELEASE ME!!!!

????: *sigh* well I do wish I still have the time to chat my friend. But it seems the ritual is about to begin. Do enjoy the company of my . . . . "dogs", they may be real ghastly looking from the outside, but don't worry, you'll find out soon that they bite WORST than how they look *grins*

CH: WAIT! WHATS HAPPENiNG?! WTF?! WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS?! YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME HERE?!?! LIKE THAT CALL BROTHER La?! NO!!! WAIT!! DON'T!! JENEDIAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

Abel woke up startled from a horrifying dream, he quickly surveys his surroundings and a wave of ease came upon him the moment he registered in his mind again that he is in Thim Zing's car.

TZ: You alright? You were murmuring something, nightmare huh?

Abel: *groans* gawd.. yeah, haven't been sleeping for the past few days.

TZ: Are the dreams to blame for you not being able to sleep?

Abel: I don't know, I know I'm sadistic at times but what I dream of is too, horrid? I don't know, I'm not sure myself. Words can't describe what I see

TZ: Relax, it must be the Genocide research paper that you're working on that is stressing you out so badly. Seriously, even a mentally strong researcher once went mad researching and investigating on each individual cases of mass murder. You're doing a whole compilation of every single case ever recorded in history, all those gore images must be the reason why you're so disturbed now.

Abel: I don't know man, I keep thinking that my dreams are somehow connected to the event that just took place. It gives me the hibbie jibbies.

TZ: Well we'll find out sooner or later bro, time will reveal and heal everything.

Abel: You're starting to sound like some witch-doctor now.... Anyways screw that, are we there yet?

TZ: Yeah we are, push you're seat back up man.. it's time to save yo' chick!

Abel: A'ight, I dig that *smiles* let's go

Thim Zing pulled over to the side of the road as they reached the residence of Abel's beloved. Abel was quick to get out of the car, as if he was a little young boy that just got off bed and is thrilled to face the day with a fully charged battery. Thim Zing was marvelled at how Abel could be so dead at one moment then energetic the other. Thim Zing threaded lightly towards the gate of Yin Shi's house where Abel was already standing, as if knowing something has gone wrong.

Thim Zing: So.... do we ring or----

Thim Zing's words were cut short when Abel climbed over the electric gate and hurdled himself over to the other side. Upon landing, Abel quickly ventured over to the front door of the house. Thim Zing on the other hand, took his sweet time as he was rather indecisive on his instincts. *Am I breaking in or what?.. hmm.. screw it.. I already broke into Abel's house... what difference would this make ? * He climbed over and approached Abel who seems to be stoning at the gate holding something in his hands.

Abel: The alarm...... my girlfriend's house has an alarm system just like yours,it's wired all the way to her parent's room, any kind of entry through this door would trigger it, and here it is... broken...

Thim Zing: Hey, relax.. maybe we would ---

Yet again Abel cut Thim's words short as Abel hastily made his way through the door and into the house searching for Yin Shi. Rather annoyed, he chose to just brush it and try to understand what is going through Abel's mind right now. He stepped into the house with caution and quickly took a glance over his surroundings. What he saw after he entered sent horrid blistering chills down his spine. Blood, splattered all over the living room portraying words of yet again, an unknown tongue or dialect. The house seemed alright from the outside but the interior was all but ravaged.

Abel: Hebrew, the words painted on these walls are the old nearly forgotten Hebrew language. On this part of the wall, it states . . . . " Thy bearer of all creation hath forsaken thee"

TZ: You know Hebrew?

Abel: No... but I've seen this scripture before in one of the books of the Cult.

TZ: Well whatever it is we better search for her.

Abel: Indeed.

Thim Zing is appalled by Abel's behavior the moment he arrived to Yin's place. He is energetic yet quiet, quick yet stoned, intellectual yet somehow redundant which of course is very unlikely of him. Thim Zing then volunteered to search at the back of the house as Abel proceeded upstairs. After a thorough search of the place Thim concluded that there was no sign of foul play or intrusion over here, it was then when he heard Abel screaming at the top of his lungs.

Abel: THIM!!!!!!!!!!!! HERE!!! NOW!!!!!

Thim ran upstairs as quick as he can. When he got to the top, what he saw was enough to send even an experienced and hardy man like him into a state of shock and awe.

To be continued.

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