Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Jenediah's Kismet : Chapter 7 - Evaluation -

In the aftermath of the event which took place in Eugene's residence, the 6 friends regrouped and tried to find an explanation towards all that has happened the past night. Knowing that the eternal pact of Heaven and Hell which states that the control of the human race would be dependent solely upon the sheer power of influence is now broken, Thim tried his best to calm everyone down and fill everyone in on the war of whispers which was unbeknown to most of them and his discreet role towards it all. Eugene however, lashed out at Thim with exasperating anger.


Thim: Eugene, please calm down. How was I to tell all of you? That I am a banisher of the Lord?

Eugene: You could have at least warned us of the upcoming attacks from these monsters!

Thim: Oh and I am certain that you would take it seriously and not go out the next day?

Abel: Relax Gene. Thim is right, you would probably just've answered him in a few words saying, "What cock you talking?"


Ronny: You talk cock to us all the time too, why are you so upset over this? Hell I knew I wouldn't have believe nuts till I seen it in front of my very eyes and now I have. Chill la, you're just pissed at the fact that you're the one being hounded all the time.

Koon Teng: I didn't even know about these things till the recent months balls, and I took up knowledge on how to destroy these .... 'things' from Thim. Instead of throwing the blame on other people just relax and lets try to find a way to keep those 'things' at bay.

Eugene: ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With that said, Eugene scuffled out of the living room unto the porch with Abel and Reuben trailing him. A lot has happened during the past night and now. Enough to send the most routine and mentally trained men into a traumatic state of disbelief. The eerie scene of Eugene's house was added by the lonely streets that was usually packed with morning commuters hassling away to work. Abel and Reuben knows that it is best to leave Eugene be while he was in deep in thought so he could work and bring himself together. Suddenly he snapped and shouted.


Thim: What?

Eugene: You heard me.... Ronny and I went to his place last night and all we found was the same apparition thingy you banished awhile ago.

Ronny: You mean the more bad-ass fierce and tall unshaved version of you?

Eugene: Shut up Ronny! Where is Chin Huei?!


Thim, yet again . . . was cut short by his childhood friend who has just swerved his car into Eugene's driveway, almost knocking everyone's car situated nearby just before entering. Jhun Ming was a tall guy with a long face and has a fringe that was equally long. A thin chap that has both the humorous and serious side in him, which instantly makes him click with the rest of us the moment he was first introduced by Thim many months ago. Jhun Ming has a somewhat natural pale complexion which most people would come up with a conclusion as their first impression that he is a drug addict. Many of the friends that was grouped up at Eugene's house has painted a rough sketch of whats to come of this dreadful day by just looking at how Jhun Ming's facial expression and more pale complexion was.

Jhun Ming: That bastard Jenediah has taken him.

Thim: Where? How would you know?

Jhun Ming: Chin Huei texted me last night around 5 in the evening last night, asking me to find him for he was uncertain why Jenediah suddenly called him.

Thim: Wasn't Chin Huei still in bad terms with Jenediah after they both got drunk and fought over who was the real God?

Abel: They fought over something as silly as that? That's so cliche man, Jenediah must've sounded like a drunken preacher while Chin Huei a drunk fella with nothing in his mind but wanting to win.

Jhun Ming: Thats why Chin Huei found it weird that Jenediah would suddenly call him up to chill over at his place again. Jenediah said to Chin Huei that he fought with his girlfriend and needed a companion to talk about stuff, why Chin Huei of all people?

Thim: Hmm this sounds weird, Abel you got any clue why Jenediah did this?

Abel: Why me?

Thim: Cause you have the most in common with that guy, you and him both quit church. I know this may sound awkward but I think he has a part to play in these recent events, you do know I disliked that guy and I would never tell you the reason why right?

Abel: Yeah, so would you finally tell me why now?

Thim: Well you are one of the only fellas in this group that knew I was once in a cult right?

Abel: Yearp, and you told me to shut me mouth and that if I were to break it out to anyone at all, a 6 generation curse of my descendants being gay would come upon me.

Thim: Well the curse was just cock, but me being in a cult once was true. When you're in a cult you tend to learn the ways of Hell, regardless of what cult you're in. And through the rigorous training of trying to conjure up .. 'stuff' from the void will definitely leave you a trace in any sort on earth. Be it a foul stench, growing fangs, gaining a third eye or even, getting a darker skin complexion.

After Thim said this, most of the group couldn't help but burst out into laughter. But the laughter soon died out when they noticed that Abel and Thim was still engaged in a serious conversation.

Abel: So I guess I would be stating the obvious that the reason why you have a natural dark complexion was due to the rigorous training of casting dark spells tainting your skin?

Thim: Exactly, now being inside the cult you would learn also the ways of how to identify whether or not another person is inside a cult. It's just a way to establish friendship with the people of your own kind in a world that is filled with commoners and holy exorcists.

Abel: I see, and I believe you sensed something when you met Jenediah?

Thim: He has a third eye, and thats why I am uncertain whether or not he was dangerous. But it seems that what I fear about him is true, something has happened to Chin Huei and we must find him in order to prove Jenediah's innocence.

Reuben: Well, an obvious start would be to search Jenediah's house. That would be the last known place.

Jhun Ming: It's no use, I've searched high and low but found nothing but rubble and wreckage in that house.

Thim: A wise-man would look over the same stone twice don't you think?

Ronny: But a wise-man in this modern era would never waste his time looking it over twice. . .

Everyone: . . . . . . .

Reuben: No harm trying again right? Time is of the essence, if we are to decide to search quick then better we search at Jenediah's house again. Jhun Ming searched without considering the work of devils or whatsoever in his mind, maybe if we go now Thim or KT or Abel or even me could pick something up? The more the better right?

Ronny: True, it is decided then. Who is following me?

Abel: ME! Eugene is angry so he will surely drive damn fast, Thim's Wira's bumper is loose so if we were to get into an accident I sure will die. Jhun's Iswara reminds me of my lousy Saga, and Reuben isn't driving.

Everyone: . . . . . .

Abel: LETS GO!

KT: Wow, Abel forgotten I have a car balls.

Abel: Your car not as stylish as Ronny's car ma :P

Jhun Ming: *sings meat-spin song*

Thim: *sighs*

Eugene: Now I really miss that small gay fella.

-to be continued-

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