Saturday, November 17, 2007

Jenediah's Kismet : Chapter 8 - The Unrest -

"One needs not fear the impending doom that awaits us, one needs not run from the inevitable end of our fragile lives, one only needs to stand up and face it with courage and steadfast chivalry, for with courage brings honor and by attaining that, all else is secondary. A wise man fears not, for a man in fear does not think"
- Unknown Primarch of the Adeptus Astartes Blood Ravens Chapter -

The 8 friends has set their courses directly towards Jenediah's house, a little ways from Eugene's residence at USJ. The silence in every of the 5 cars that were driven each by Thim, Koon Teng, Eugene, Jhun Ming and Ronny was highly unusual. Mostly due to their nature of blabbering encyclopedia's worth of words in just a matter of minutes. The silence of Ronny's car, which consists of Driver Ronny and Abel, was abruptly ended by Ronny.

Ronny: Whats really happening?

Abel: I have no idea, I could only hope for the best, but hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

Ronny: Then why hope?

Abel: You got any better ideas?

Ronny: Why don't you tell me what you're thinking regarding whats happening right now.

Abel: The Divine Pact is broken? maybe...

Ronny: Tell me, why would something like that happen?

Abel: It happens all the time.. just that it always seems to go unnoticed.

Ronny: What do you mean?

Abel: I'll tell you next time, right now we need to focus on finding Chin Huey.

With that said, the convoy of 5 cars pulled into Jenediah's neighborhood. What was installed for them was unexpected, an unearthly presence seems to have corrupted every single building around it with a taint of heresy. Buildings were tilted to an angle which were seemingly defying every law of physics, roads with garbage strewn all over the place and the stench of rotting flesh filled the air. At the end of this overwhelming sight, lies the house... or whats left of Jenediah's house. The house was gone, all thats left were rubble and a sight the bunch thought they would never in their entire lives see..... corpses, hanging on hellish contraptions with pure sadism. These corpses were hung on pillars of spike and were planted on an organized formation, one on each side of the house's pathway with an interval of 3 meters before another dangling corpse was seen planted. This stretched on for 12 meters, at the end of this ghastly walk, the group of 8 friends were then confronted with the cause of the neighborhood's fall from grace and corruption. Standing 8 feet tall,12 feet across, was a hellish gate which seems to have been erected recently. This... is a gateway.

Jhun Ming: Er.. Erm... I didn't check the backyard, now I know I should've known better.

Thim: The house was still intact when you came right?

Jhun Ming: Not only was the house still intact, the whole freaking neighborhood still looks... normal.

Abel: This.... portal, I'm sure you guys have a clue as to where it leads. The corruption of what lies beyond is now seeping through to our world, and therefore recreating this neighborhood into an exact replica of how the other side looks like.

Eugene: .... Is...... Erm....

Reuben: What was that you were saying Eugene?

Eugene: *mumbles*

Ronny: Erm... Er... Eu-Eugene? You wanted to say?

Eugene: Hell... Is that .. Hell?

Abel: No that's not Hell, not directly at least. But a portal which leads to a mid-dimension between Hell and Earth.

Eugene: And what is... is that realm called? The middle dimension place... thing.. you were saying.

Abel: Well call it whatever you want, some call it The Nether, The Oblivion, some call it The Place Where No Angels Walk, some calls it The Realm of Chaos, The Immaterium, I just call it The Unrest.

Eugene: Why did you call it that?

Abel: Well, you'll soon find out.

Everyone: *stones*

Thim: You are actually telling us to step in there? Dude, the vortex of any gateways, big or small will tear us to shreads if we were to go in unprotected.

Abel: I know, thats why I am asking you guys now to get into your cars, and we'll drive in. The hull of your cars will be enough to protect us through the interdimension travel.

Jhun Ming: I don't wanna sound stupid at a serious time like this now, but it seems so like freelancer now... oh well...

Iverson: Hey guys!! WAIT UP!!! SUP' SUP' KARIPAP Su-.. Whoa... WTF??!?! What is that thing wei?

Thim: No time to explain, are you with us or against us?

Iverson: Well I'm with you guys but what the hell is tha-

Reuben: Guys, something seems to be coming out of the gateway..

Abel: Everyone!! RUN!!!!

-To Be Continued-

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Jenediah's Kismet : Chapter 7 - Evaluation -

In the aftermath of the event which took place in Eugene's residence, the 6 friends regrouped and tried to find an explanation towards all that has happened the past night. Knowing that the eternal pact of Heaven and Hell which states that the control of the human race would be dependent solely upon the sheer power of influence is now broken, Thim tried his best to calm everyone down and fill everyone in on the war of whispers which was unbeknown to most of them and his discreet role towards it all. Eugene however, lashed out at Thim with exasperating anger.


Thim: Eugene, please calm down. How was I to tell all of you? That I am a banisher of the Lord?

Eugene: You could have at least warned us of the upcoming attacks from these monsters!

Thim: Oh and I am certain that you would take it seriously and not go out the next day?

Abel: Relax Gene. Thim is right, you would probably just've answered him in a few words saying, "What cock you talking?"


Ronny: You talk cock to us all the time too, why are you so upset over this? Hell I knew I wouldn't have believe nuts till I seen it in front of my very eyes and now I have. Chill la, you're just pissed at the fact that you're the one being hounded all the time.

Koon Teng: I didn't even know about these things till the recent months balls, and I took up knowledge on how to destroy these .... 'things' from Thim. Instead of throwing the blame on other people just relax and lets try to find a way to keep those 'things' at bay.

Eugene: ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With that said, Eugene scuffled out of the living room unto the porch with Abel and Reuben trailing him. A lot has happened during the past night and now. Enough to send the most routine and mentally trained men into a traumatic state of disbelief. The eerie scene of Eugene's house was added by the lonely streets that was usually packed with morning commuters hassling away to work. Abel and Reuben knows that it is best to leave Eugene be while he was in deep in thought so he could work and bring himself together. Suddenly he snapped and shouted.


Thim: What?

Eugene: You heard me.... Ronny and I went to his place last night and all we found was the same apparition thingy you banished awhile ago.

Ronny: You mean the more bad-ass fierce and tall unshaved version of you?

Eugene: Shut up Ronny! Where is Chin Huei?!


Thim, yet again . . . was cut short by his childhood friend who has just swerved his car into Eugene's driveway, almost knocking everyone's car situated nearby just before entering. Jhun Ming was a tall guy with a long face and has a fringe that was equally long. A thin chap that has both the humorous and serious side in him, which instantly makes him click with the rest of us the moment he was first introduced by Thim many months ago. Jhun Ming has a somewhat natural pale complexion which most people would come up with a conclusion as their first impression that he is a drug addict. Many of the friends that was grouped up at Eugene's house has painted a rough sketch of whats to come of this dreadful day by just looking at how Jhun Ming's facial expression and more pale complexion was.

Jhun Ming: That bastard Jenediah has taken him.

Thim: Where? How would you know?

Jhun Ming: Chin Huei texted me last night around 5 in the evening last night, asking me to find him for he was uncertain why Jenediah suddenly called him.

Thim: Wasn't Chin Huei still in bad terms with Jenediah after they both got drunk and fought over who was the real God?

Abel: They fought over something as silly as that? That's so cliche man, Jenediah must've sounded like a drunken preacher while Chin Huei a drunk fella with nothing in his mind but wanting to win.

Jhun Ming: Thats why Chin Huei found it weird that Jenediah would suddenly call him up to chill over at his place again. Jenediah said to Chin Huei that he fought with his girlfriend and needed a companion to talk about stuff, why Chin Huei of all people?

Thim: Hmm this sounds weird, Abel you got any clue why Jenediah did this?

Abel: Why me?

Thim: Cause you have the most in common with that guy, you and him both quit church. I know this may sound awkward but I think he has a part to play in these recent events, you do know I disliked that guy and I would never tell you the reason why right?

Abel: Yeah, so would you finally tell me why now?

Thim: Well you are one of the only fellas in this group that knew I was once in a cult right?

Abel: Yearp, and you told me to shut me mouth and that if I were to break it out to anyone at all, a 6 generation curse of my descendants being gay would come upon me.

Thim: Well the curse was just cock, but me being in a cult once was true. When you're in a cult you tend to learn the ways of Hell, regardless of what cult you're in. And through the rigorous training of trying to conjure up .. 'stuff' from the void will definitely leave you a trace in any sort on earth. Be it a foul stench, growing fangs, gaining a third eye or even, getting a darker skin complexion.

After Thim said this, most of the group couldn't help but burst out into laughter. But the laughter soon died out when they noticed that Abel and Thim was still engaged in a serious conversation.

Abel: So I guess I would be stating the obvious that the reason why you have a natural dark complexion was due to the rigorous training of casting dark spells tainting your skin?

Thim: Exactly, now being inside the cult you would learn also the ways of how to identify whether or not another person is inside a cult. It's just a way to establish friendship with the people of your own kind in a world that is filled with commoners and holy exorcists.

Abel: I see, and I believe you sensed something when you met Jenediah?

Thim: He has a third eye, and thats why I am uncertain whether or not he was dangerous. But it seems that what I fear about him is true, something has happened to Chin Huei and we must find him in order to prove Jenediah's innocence.

Reuben: Well, an obvious start would be to search Jenediah's house. That would be the last known place.

Jhun Ming: It's no use, I've searched high and low but found nothing but rubble and wreckage in that house.

Thim: A wise-man would look over the same stone twice don't you think?

Ronny: But a wise-man in this modern era would never waste his time looking it over twice. . .

Everyone: . . . . . . .

Reuben: No harm trying again right? Time is of the essence, if we are to decide to search quick then better we search at Jenediah's house again. Jhun Ming searched without considering the work of devils or whatsoever in his mind, maybe if we go now Thim or KT or Abel or even me could pick something up? The more the better right?

Ronny: True, it is decided then. Who is following me?

Abel: ME! Eugene is angry so he will surely drive damn fast, Thim's Wira's bumper is loose so if we were to get into an accident I sure will die. Jhun's Iswara reminds me of my lousy Saga, and Reuben isn't driving.

Everyone: . . . . . .

Abel: LETS GO!

KT: Wow, Abel forgotten I have a car balls.

Abel: Your car not as stylish as Ronny's car ma :P

Jhun Ming: *sings meat-spin song*

Thim: *sighs*

Eugene: Now I really miss that small gay fella.

-to be continued-

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Jenediah's Kismet : Chapter 6 - The Last Sabbath of United Heaven -

After having answered the call of nature coupled with a freshly lit cigarette in his hand, KT continued his story of how Lucifer rallied his most loyal of advocates to his side in protest towards God for not allowing humans to be granted the gift of knowing whats right and wrong.

KT: Okay, where was I?

Ronny: . . . . . . you were at the part where you retrospected about how God hatched up a devious plan to end the unrest invoked by Lucifer in Heaven.

KT: Ahh yes, must explain meh? I'm feeling a teeny bit lazy. Not a lot, just a teeny bit lazy.

Ronny: You made me sit here for so long, and now you don't wanna end it? You're already half way through weih!

KT: It's not like you have a choice whether you wanna sit here or not, you wanna risk being hounded by one of those enigma beings again? Go on ahead if you dare, nyahahahahahahahahha

Ronny: Please, enough. Tell me the latter part of the story.

KT: Alright alright, chill la. *chuckles in amusement* Anyway, God just said to them in a real simple manner. Short and simple and clear, He told Lucifer that Lucifer was to end the uprising immediately for God was the one and only person with the authority and creator of all creations. So His judgment or decision is the verdict and and has the last say towards everything. It's sorta like dictatorship up there in Heaven.

Ronny: So what did Lucifer do?

KT: I told you, one who is deprived will fight to the very ends of his very soul to end that depravation.

Ronny: But it wasn't Lucifer that was deprived but the humans, right?

KT: Exactly, but Lucifer is speaking for the humans. Believe it or not, he is the forefather for our ruling system now. That is if you wanna go back to the days of heaven, before any man or country was created. If thats your case then you would have to look at Lucifer as the main creator of democracy.

Ronny: So what we're living through now and the government is practicing heresy?

KT: Not exactly, Lucifer is just speaking about the freedom of the people to know and be able to choose between whats right and whats wrong. Lucifer is forever condemned as evil cause he is now the devil, but if you look at things in a more in-depth kind of view, before he became who he is now, he was a very rightful and just man. Sort of like God.

Ronny: Okay okay enough, I'm confused already. Just tell me what happened after Lucifer denied to stop the uprising he invoked.

KT: Simple, God sent him down to hell to start his own world. And those who are loyal to him shall do whatever that is fit for themselves.

Ronny: Then why did Lucifer turned to the outrageous and zealous murdering tyrant he is now?

KT: That is also very simple to explain and realize. He wanted to go against whatever God has constructed and every single morals that God upholds.

Ronny: WHA????

KT: . . . . .. okay. Lucifer wanted to be the opposite of God. Like if God is Sentinels, then Lucifer shall gladly take the position of being the Scourge. Understand?

Ronny: Oh say la, so what about Valhalla Knights? Monster Hunters? Who is who?

KT: . . . . . . . . . . . I am speechless.

As though the conversation and petty talks were to go on forever. Eugene who was still sound asleep in the sofa of his house suddenly woke up screaming and gasping for help and of course, air. KT and Ronny rushed in to find Eugene yet again being strangled by an enigma of himself. KT straightaway picked up his cross-gun awaiting for a clear shot when he noticed that by firing, hurting Eugene would be inevitable. Ronny stood in absolute horror, but as though someone gave a big kick into his behind which triggered the switch of his thinking system, he scuffled frantically to grab one of the idol statues of the Buddhist religion at the altar of Eugene's house to try and subdue the enigma.

KT: You can't hurt those damn things with that statue!!! Their of a different religion!! They don't know those gods!

Ronny: How am I suppose to know?! You're just standing there!!! Do something!!!

Eugene:I...I..... wou-....would apppp... appreciate it if you guys help me instead of just standing there and argue amongst yourselves!!!

Ronny: Don't you have a bible at home?!

Eugene: You.... you... stupid ar-k?! I keep bible for what?!?!

KT jumped on the enigma to try and break Eugene free from it's grip-lock but whatever earthly strength he implies to break the enigma's grip free of Eugene was futile. When Eugene was about to go into an unconscious lapse, someone pushed KT away from the enigma smacked it hard with a book of some sort and the enigma's grip was free of Eugene. After regaining his steps, KT noticed that it was Reuben and in his hands were....

KT: A Bible?

Reuben: I'll tell you later. Say something to banish it!

KT: I don't read the bible, the hell am I suppose to know?!

Ronny: Then how were you able to talk so much cock about heaven and hell just now?!


As though the word and works of the devil wasn't passed around enough. But at that moment Thim Zing appeared with a great white light which then change into a great void of darkness which seems to be sucking every corners of light around him into his hands. The enigma was sucked in with relative ease and the void disappeared soon after.

KT: Speak of the devil....

Thim Zing: Amen.....


Ronny: Face problem.........

-To be continued-

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Jenediah's Kismet : Chapter 5 - Creation -

Back at Yin Shi's pleace, the room where she resides was filled with an eye stinging stench of sulfur. Thim's eyes bulged the moment he entered the room, in front of him stood Abel with a grim look in his face. Pacing slowly towards Yin's bed, Abel stared down onto the motionless body of Yin, mangled and sprawled on the floor. There was still hope however, for Yin's mangled body, regardless of whatever torture she was subjected to was still intact and in a whole. Her body was filled with scratch-marks and tainted with blood, Thim tried his best at this point to say something to soothe the sight that he and Abel were going through, but he knows no words could even put the most benign emotions of Abel to rest.

Abel: . . . . B.. Babe?

Abel tugged Yin gently laying at the corner of the room, to his utmost relief he could feel her still breathing and sense a weak pulse by checking her wrist. Whilst busy pouring his all into the efforts of resuscitating his girlfriend, Thim scanned for clues of what might have taken place in Yin's room. It is then when Thim spotted a conspicuous sign of heresy that stood out in that room.

Thim: Abel . . . I think you should see this. . .

. . . . . . .

Thim: Abel . . . Please, just one mo-

Abel: WHAT?!?! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT I'M BU- . . .

Abel's words were cut short after spotting a sign in which he hasn't seen since the days of his Church ethics. He turned against the teachings due to his own personal reasons, but it is with that sign in which trigerred every memory and dictum thought by Abel's Reverend to pour into him in the speed of light.

Abel: The horned star. . . Which blasted mind of a person could be......... wait.... this isn't human..

Thim: And what makes you think so?

Abel: Sulfur . . . . You don't see any gunshots fired upon in this room do you? Did you see any slightest trace of gunpowder left in this room?

Thim: Your point?

Abel: Don't interrogate me Thim, you know clearly what other thing bears the smell of sulfur other than gunpowder, and it is NOT an object.

Thim: I deal with Enigmas, but I'm sure they don't smell like sulfur.

Abel: Imps . . they were here.

Thim: . . . . The pact is-

Thim's words were always cut short by everyone, I guess it is in his nature for being very courteous and honorable towards everyone else. But this time it isn't Abel that snapped the words out of his tongue, but rather the budging of the cabinet next to where Yin was laid unconscious. Yin was awake.

Abel: Babe..... you alright?? Hush now, don't say a thing, we'll get you out of here.

Yin: It hurts... it..

Abel: I know, hang in there. Thim, you don't mind driving her to the hospital?

Thim: Even if it was someone I hate that was dying I would still drive that person there, what more when it comes to you and someone important to you, get her up.. let's go. . we'll talk about who might be the culprit behind all these defiled works.

With that said, Abel picked up his girlfriend with all his might and quickly waltz towards the doorway and into the car. Dawn was breaking, the sounds of birds chirping indicates the light of a new day now arising. It is then when Abel thought of the whereabouts of every one of his buddies. He said a small prayer asking for guidance and safety from the heavens on all of his beloved and cared people. That was the first time he prayed in 3 years.

To be continued.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Jenediah's Kismet : Chapter 4 - Sabbath -

Ronny tried his best to retrace the events that had just taken place at Chin Huei's crib the evening before, sitting opposite of him at the front porch of Eugene's single-story house was Koon Teng puffing away on a stick of Sevens. Eugene on the other hand was trying his best to shrug the horrid manifestation of him which he saw the night before off his head while trying to get a moment's shut-eye while the other two remains awake. Knowing that Ronny's head is teeming with questions, Koon Teng finally spoke out.

KT: Just ask, not like I'm gonna shoot you balls.

Ronny: How did er.... When d-.... Where-.... wait.... what should i ask first?

KT: What do YOU wanna know first?

Ronny: I don't know, my mind has so much uncertainties and its so confused right now I think I'm about to blow.

KT: Blow job?

Ronny: Don't cock please...

KT: FoooH... you?! saying that to me?! I must be dreaming!

Ronny: Okay okay,first and foremost! what the hell was that?! Why in the world? How?! Where?! Who?!

Sensing Ronny's uneasiness, he killed the remains of his cigarette in a tray and breathes out the last puff of his first cigarette in a day. He placed away the gun-like contraption of his and gripped his fists together in a posture of wanting to explain something to Ronny in secrecy.

KT: Whatever you saw as of last night was something that was suppose to be bound to the depths of hell and as of that moment, proof that the great pact made between Heaven and Hell a thousand scores ago was made evident.

Ronny: Pack? Backpack?

KT: . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ronny: No no seriously, what the fuck is that suppose to mean?

KT: I forgotten that you're not religious especially in terms of Christianity, you se-....

Ronny: I thought you were not inclined with this subject as well.

KT: Well, then you didn't know me well enough I guess. Now shush and let me continue,in theory, ages ago, when humanity was still a young race that was flourishing on the earth's harvest, produce and treasures. The Devil continuously took shapes of different manifestation to draw the small population of those flourishing humans away from the grave of God, to turn away from the great Father. It was even in the beginning of man dated back to Adam and Eve that you've seen the Devil trying his utmost best to persuade the greatest, most intelligent beings of God to turn from His graces. If you were to read through the Bible now, you could see that many great figures had fallen from God's grace in the Devil's sheer contentment. Samson, Judas and even the likes of Jesus had at least once been tempted by the Devil.

Ronny: Then why didn't God did something la? Since He was so powerful he could just have slapped the Devil in the face and he would die right?

KT: You see, call it His weakness if that is the way you want to put it. But God loves all creations, even the Devil, you do know how he came about right?

Ronny: What? The Devil? Lucifer la... God's greatest angel and right hand, the second in command of all the company in Heaven.

KT: Yes and do you know about the story of his fall from grace?

Ronny: Errr, cause he wanna memberontak and take over God's place?

KT: Close, but not close enough. You see, God said to Lucifer that the creation of humans would be almost the exact same replicas of the angel's themselves, but only one thing would differ the humans from the great angels in heaven. That difference would be that the humans would know no knowledge of evil and anything similar to that cruel mistake. Lucifer objected that the Humans should not be discarded of that knowledge and live naively in the depths of Eden ever praising God but instead they should also know about the harsher part of life, it is only by knowing the difference between good and evil would they then know how to really appreciate the great ones in Heaven. God however shunned him and humiliated Lucifer with drastic words in front of nearly every company of Heaven.

Ronny: So it is then that Lucifer thinks that he could do a better job right? And that is when he finally wants to take over?

KT: Yes but not exactly, you see when humans are deprived of something, they would make sure to fight to the very ends to end that deprivation. That was just what Lucifer did, he protested and made his protests known in the highest corners of Heaven, he rallied his best and most loyal advocates to aid him in the protest. They finally did achieve to get God's attention to hatch up a plan, but they didn't know it would be the worst plan ever in the world. . . . . . .

Ronny: And.........?

KT: Relax, I need to piss and smoke, throat dry already balls.

Ronny: Potong steam. . . . . . . . .

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Yin Shi's Birthday - The Wish -

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BABY CHAN YIN SHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she's sweet 16... like finally.... I've been waiting so long for that to happen... if you get what I mean *wink*

Just wanna wish you a happy birthday babe and I love you.. may this year be great for you.. and hopefully I won't fuck things up for you :P.
As a birthday present.. I shall make you not die in my story... MUWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA... nah I'm not that mean.. you'll see something just made for you =D. ( If theres anyone else other than my girlfriend actually reading this.. damn.... you all damn free weih... never seen a birthday wish before??? )

So baby... please be all smiles today onward... my love is all yours for the taking.. and I'm there whenever you need me... even in Jenediah's Kismet I will be there for you.. what more in real life... so I sayang k? =D

Once again, happy birthday sweet. Now wheres hugs and kisses that you owe me now???? =P (To other readers other than my girlfriend.. thank you for wasting your life in my blog reading this... I know you fellas are damn jealous and are dying to be my girlfriend after reading this right?? DREAM !!! )

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Jenediah's Kismet - Definitions -

After publishing a few episodes, I find it irresponsible not to define a few words and terms that were used for the mentioned chapters. So here you go =)

Enigma : something mysterious: something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained; "how it got out is a mystery"; "it remains one of nature's secrets".

The Summoner (sometimes referred to in English localizations as Caller)

The Vitruvian Man:
The Vitruvian Man is a world renowned drawing with accompanying notes created by Leonardo da Vinci around the year 1492 as recorded in one of his journals. It depicts a nude male figure in two superimposed positions with his arms and legs apart and simultaneously inscribed in a circle and square. The drawing and text are sometimes called the Canon of Proportions or, less often, Proportions of Man. It is stored in the Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice, Italy, but is only displayed on special occasions.[1][2]

The Horned Star: Originated from the usual five pointed star with one of it's points facing upward which was used during the period of Christ as a symbol of worship towards the Father, the horned star is a mockery towards the five pointed star, turned upside down with an outlining circling it, depicting the ruling of Satan over Christ and the Father. This star is also known better by the occult as The Devil's Star.

  • The succubus is characterized as a female counterpart of the incubus. The core of this belief is said to stem from the legend in Jewish folklore of a demon named Lilith. In later Jewish literature, Lilith is identified as Adam's first wife who ran from him instead of acting as his subservient. Following, God sent three angels to bring her back to Adam. If she refused, one of her children would be killed each day. ...
  • A female demon who would visit men at night and engage in sexual activity. This belief was commonly held during the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. There were also male demons, called incubi who were believed to visit women.

  • Deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.
  • A systematic attempt to annihilate a racial group or nation. The word was first used in 1944.

    Now that I am done with the usual formalities, I shall thence continue to post up a few more slangs used by my daily group. Note : This is for people reading this blog that may not understand a few slangs used. Though I think there is only one slang that I could record that needs proper translation.

    "StunTED for 10 seconds" : Not sure about the backgrounds of where this term first came from: whom, when, and where was it first used. But this was used every now and then by us especially by Koon Teng or Chin Huei to regard to someone who became dumbfounded and outright stoned after getting banged by one of us or hearing something stupid from the latter

  • Friday, July 27, 2007

    Jenediah's Kismet : Chapter 3 - Return to Innocence -

    *Chin Huei woke up to a very desolate and unfamiliar place. A thousand nerves at the back of his head cried out in pain as though he was knocked by something blunt and hard. He wanted to reach for that part of his head that is stinging the wits out of him, but as he did so, he realized he was bound to the ground by iron chains that had razor sharp edges at the inner cuff links. The inner cuff links were designed as such that if a victim bound to it were to struggle or move as to even more than an inch of it's original bound position, that particular limb would be severed right off of him. Stretch out into a position which mimics the likes of 'The Vitruvian Man' made by Leonardo Da Vincci, Chin Huei though it is best to just stay put and thank God that unlike 'The Vitruvian Man' , Chin Huei still had his clothes on. A brief inspection made Chin Huei realise that although the position in which he was bound was the same as the likes of Da Vincci's artwork, the circles in which surrounds him is somehow more sinister. It is a well drawn parabolic circle that has lines that stretches out from five points all in the same angle as each other. In seeing that the lines are co-joined to one another, Chin Huei realised that this is no mimic of The Vitruvian Man for it contains something more diabolical in it. He then whispered to himself, "The Horned Star . . . . . "

    ????: Very wise of you Chin Huei, it seems there is more inside you than meets the eye. Tsk tsk tsk, what a wasted soul. Too bad I picked you first other than the rest.

    CH: Wha?! dude whats happening man? eh help me take these chains off, and where the fuck are we?

    ????: Relax Chin Huei, the more you struggle the more you will appease to the devils inside you and the devils beneat.

    CH: What in the !@##@$#@$!@#@#%$#%!!@##@#$!@#!@#(censored) are you talking about? stop fooling around and help me out la! I swear to God the moment I am free I'll fucking pwn you!

    ????: Hoho take it easy my friend, God would not answer you're prayers from here, this place is a place even a great and mighty being such as God would not dare enter.

    CH: TIU LEI MEH?! Your brain masuk air arh?! RELEASE ME!!!!

    ????: *sigh* well I do wish I still have the time to chat my friend. But it seems the ritual is about to begin. Do enjoy the company of my . . . . "dogs", they may be real ghastly looking from the outside, but don't worry, you'll find out soon that they bite WORST than how they look *grins*

    CH: WAIT! WHATS HAPPENiNG?! WTF?! WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS?! YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME HERE?!?! LIKE THAT CALL BROTHER La?! NO!!! WAIT!! DON'T!! JENEDIAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

    Abel woke up startled from a horrifying dream, he quickly surveys his surroundings and a wave of ease came upon him the moment he registered in his mind again that he is in Thim Zing's car.

    TZ: You alright? You were murmuring something, nightmare huh?

    Abel: *groans* gawd.. yeah, haven't been sleeping for the past few days.

    TZ: Are the dreams to blame for you not being able to sleep?

    Abel: I don't know, I know I'm sadistic at times but what I dream of is too, horrid? I don't know, I'm not sure myself. Words can't describe what I see

    TZ: Relax, it must be the Genocide research paper that you're working on that is stressing you out so badly. Seriously, even a mentally strong researcher once went mad researching and investigating on each individual cases of mass murder. You're doing a whole compilation of every single case ever recorded in history, all those gore images must be the reason why you're so disturbed now.

    Abel: I don't know man, I keep thinking that my dreams are somehow connected to the event that just took place. It gives me the hibbie jibbies.

    TZ: Well we'll find out sooner or later bro, time will reveal and heal everything.

    Abel: You're starting to sound like some witch-doctor now.... Anyways screw that, are we there yet?

    TZ: Yeah we are, push you're seat back up man.. it's time to save yo' chick!

    Abel: A'ight, I dig that *smiles* let's go

    Thim Zing pulled over to the side of the road as they reached the residence of Abel's beloved. Abel was quick to get out of the car, as if he was a little young boy that just got off bed and is thrilled to face the day with a fully charged battery. Thim Zing was marvelled at how Abel could be so dead at one moment then energetic the other. Thim Zing threaded lightly towards the gate of Yin Shi's house where Abel was already standing, as if knowing something has gone wrong.

    Thim Zing: So.... do we ring or----

    Thim Zing's words were cut short when Abel climbed over the electric gate and hurdled himself over to the other side. Upon landing, Abel quickly ventured over to the front door of the house. Thim Zing on the other hand, took his sweet time as he was rather indecisive on his instincts. *Am I breaking in or what?.. hmm.. screw it.. I already broke into Abel's house... what difference would this make ? * He climbed over and approached Abel who seems to be stoning at the gate holding something in his hands.

    Abel: The alarm...... my girlfriend's house has an alarm system just like yours,it's wired all the way to her parent's room, any kind of entry through this door would trigger it, and here it is... broken...

    Thim Zing: Hey, relax.. maybe we would ---

    Yet again Abel cut Thim's words short as Abel hastily made his way through the door and into the house searching for Yin Shi. Rather annoyed, he chose to just brush it and try to understand what is going through Abel's mind right now. He stepped into the house with caution and quickly took a glance over his surroundings. What he saw after he entered sent horrid blistering chills down his spine. Blood, splattered all over the living room portraying words of yet again, an unknown tongue or dialect. The house seemed alright from the outside but the interior was all but ravaged.

    Abel: Hebrew, the words painted on these walls are the old nearly forgotten Hebrew language. On this part of the wall, it states . . . . " Thy bearer of all creation hath forsaken thee"

    TZ: You know Hebrew?

    Abel: No... but I've seen this scripture before in one of the books of the Cult.

    TZ: Well whatever it is we better search for her.

    Abel: Indeed.

    Thim Zing is appalled by Abel's behavior the moment he arrived to Yin's place. He is energetic yet quiet, quick yet stoned, intellectual yet somehow redundant which of course is very unlikely of him. Thim Zing then volunteered to search at the back of the house as Abel proceeded upstairs. After a thorough search of the place Thim concluded that there was no sign of foul play or intrusion over here, it was then when he heard Abel screaming at the top of his lungs.

    Abel: THIM!!!!!!!!!!!! HERE!!! NOW!!!!!

    Thim ran upstairs as quick as he can. When he got to the top, what he saw was enough to send even an experienced and hardy man like him into a state of shock and awe.

    To be continued.

    Wednesday, July 25, 2007

    Jenediah's Kismet : Chapter 2 - 13 Missed Calls -

    The time is now 4am in the morning and even the streets of SS15 which is always packed with people is now nothing more than a lone filled gravel path which stretches on into eternity, only the most hardcore gamers, nocturnal venturers and bored to death college students dying to go out would be still hanging out at this area around this time. This busy and bustling section of Subang is centered around many housing estates which are more commonly known by their respective sections, SS14, SS12, SS10 or better known as Subang Parade and last but not least, SS 17. This housing area is no more different in comparison to any other sections in terms of lifeless streets and confusing alleyways which branches on and on to many more neighborhoods in the wee hours of the morning. But somewhere along the confusing alleyways and intersection sits a house where great evil lurks.

    This house sits at a corner of a street in 17. Mellow orange paint is colored to the front exterior walls of this house, the gate painted with a dark solid green which bears a big symbol of the 'Masonry'. The house is dead silent and as dark as the void of a black hole, distant plops of water droplets could be heard coming from a leaking tap upstairs while everything else would've seem to have been abandoned had not the phone rang. Over the hallways of the 1st floor where the rings have been coming from, one could see that there is actually life in this house through the evidence of light protruding from the little cracks at the bottom of a wooden door. Having said that, comes the end of this boring and draggy introduction meant to bore the lights out of every living being.

    The rings of Abel's hand phone which seems to go on forever is left unanswered, sitting stagnant on the desk of his computer table right next to him. He isn't the kind of guy that would leave his calls unattended but a prior event had left him blasting his headphones away to hard-rock genres with the likes of Breaking Benjamin, making it impossible for him to even hardly notice that his phone was going bananas. Looking like a train wreck, his eye lids are looking as though they are at the edge of crashing down towards the other end while his eye bags are so huge they would make no difference when compared to a bump in the road, even the color of the eye bags are solid black and his face as pale as a ghost. This is what he would call "A masterpiece of art created using nothing but lack of sleep for 5 days running and fueled by unlimited cans of coke ". Finally giving in to his fatigue, he shut his computer down and took off his headphones.

    Abel : Gawdddd, finally I'm done with this screwed ass assignments....

    ?!?!?: Good, then we can finally play... *giggles*

    That voice came from inside the room where he was, it originated from behind him just as he was about to get off the comp, he stoned and right at that moment tons of voices and thoughts filled his mind. As if like how his friends would put it, Abel is as of that moment "StunTED for 10 seconds". Finally he came up with a simple logical conclusion to sum up the strange phenomenon that had just occurred.

    Abel: How could you be here babe, you won't even wanna see me now that you're mad at me. I'm just imagining shit. *sigh* I should really get some rest, my mind's fucked.

    ?!?!?: But I am here sweetie. Right beside you.. *grins*

    Abel: B... Ba..BA....bA.... Babe?? Whaa???

    Yin?!: Hehehehe, ba ba black sheep?

    Abel: no..... what are you doing here?? Aren't you...

    Yin?!: Mad? hehe no silly why would i be? just 'cuz we fought? *smiles devilishly*

    Sitting on Abel's bed whom he swears with all his heart is his beloved girlfriend, but something is different with her tonight. First of all she isn't even allowed to go out in the wee hours of the morning let alone be in his house. How could she have gotten in without him noticing? Was he that blur and ignorant? Though every part of her remains exactly the same. Somehow she was behaving strangely, as though the naughty side of her has came out to play. Abel then approached her inch by inch inspecting every part of her, also of course keeping his mind as straight and awake as possible. After a thorough inspection of her, using EYES ONLY of course Abel concluded that it is her but.... one part about her gave abel the creeps, the evil devilish goth grin.

    Abel: You hate being emo, why are u...

    Yin?!: Aww since you look so emo thats why I followed sayang. Why? Don't believe this is me? come here.....

    Abel just hates being interrupted and of all people he knows his own girlfriend knows that best. Finally as though the coke he drank half an hour earlier prior to whats happening now finally gave him a kick in the mind, he noticed that his so called beloved sweetheart is taller than him. Not wanting to know who this abomination actually was, and also not wanting to let the 'thing' know that Abel has already blown it's cover, Abel kept his cool, he also realizes by now that he was shivering, as though he is face to face with a visible ghost.

    Abel: I don't wanna sound draggy cause I know you hate it when i ask too much but.. you're not what I think you are... Are you?

    Yin?!: Why sweetie... I can be anything you want... anything *giggles*

    Abel: Thats it, it's either I'm fucking dreaming or you're a fucking morphling.

    Yin?!: Heheehehe, how could I be a morphling? sweet, you're playing too much DotA


    Yin?!: Oh boy, like how you petty scums would put it in your lowly slangs, KANTOI!!!! *cackles*

    Abel: By the light SCREW YOU!!!!!

    Just as the apparition or what Koon Teng calls it as Enigma was about to charge towards Abel, the doors burst open and a beam of bright light filtered the dim room making the Enigma flee. Screeching and cursing in an unknown tongue, it left behind a trail of darkness leading out through the window and on to the grounds of the floor beneath,continuing all the way towards the back alley.

    Thim Zing: Bro, you okay? Are you hurt?

    Abel: No.... but that thing, is it a..

    Thim Zing: Succubus? Not likely but it is an abomination of evil if thats what you're thinking, it manifested using the hatred and the evil side of your girlfriend's mind, thats why it took the shape of your girlfriend. That thing is called an Enigma.

    Abel: So I'm guessing, if it manifested, it must be a summoned creature of someone. If thats the puppet, then whose the Eidolon?

    Thim Zing: As of now we don't know.. but you gotta come with us Abel, you better thank God that the thing never transported you into the Nether. Otherwise you would be fucked and it would be hard to get you outta there, like what happened to Eugene and Yao Rong.

    Abel: WhA?! You mean their victimized too?! Wait, are they alright?! SHIT... IF THAT THING WAS SUMMONED USING MY GIRLFRIEND.. THEN WHERE IS SHE?!?! I GOTTA FIND HER!!!

    Thim Zing: Relax, Yao Rong and Eugene is alright now, they tried calling you to warn you, but you somehow weren't picking up so they feared the worst. Their still shaken badly, thats why i came. As for your girlfriend we'll leave to find her if you want, we'll get to her as soon as you're ready.

    Abel: thanks, this is a good day for a bad thing to happen. Look, it's even 4.44am now.

    Thim Zing: I may not be superstitious but I guess I have to agree with you somewhat about all these events occurring today on the 13th of the month. And to think that it's Friday.

    Abel: Okay besides that, what is that white light that you used to save my ass?

    Thim Zing: The SonyEricsson's Handphone's Flashlight, the one which i borrowed from Yao Rong.

    Abel: . . . . . . .

    Thim Zing: Relax, i'm trying to cheer you up.

    Abel: I know.. let's go, let me pick up me stuff first.
    Abel picked up his essentials, especially his handphone. He checked it and weird enough, it is written there, 13 missed calls, 4.44am 13th of June. Even though he was still traumatized, he soon gain back his composure and grinned.

    Abel: Fucking Eugene, even at times like this he still wants to jynx me by calling me 13 times.

    To be continued,
    PS: Sorry for the long post, a week's break from writing made me a little draggy and boring. Don't blame me, blame the assignments for making me so boring.

    Sunday, July 22, 2007

    Jenediah's Kismet : Chapter 1 - The Chase -

    The rain had only just stopped pouring over the polluted skies of Sunway on that weird evening. Cold winds brought along by the rain swept through the streets like a chilling breeze which seems to whisper death in it's wake, and truthful enough death does seem to be near. At least that is the case in Eugene's mind. He came to find for a friend to push around, he came driven by a peer of his that goes back to the time when they were still bummers. But now all he finds in front of him is something that seems rather familiar yet distant, never in his entire life would he even thought till this day that he would see what he sees standing in front of his miserable lonely squint-like eyes.

    Ronny : Run? Then my car how? Ciao with the car la...

    Eugene : You think there is time to step in the car ? What is he gonna let us just waltz to the car?.. now, on 3, just like CS, we run backwards, don't argue with me.

    Ronny : So you're the genius la now? all my life I've never listened to you. What makes you think I would start now?

    Eugene : LISTEN TO ME!!! NOW!!!!!

    Staring and grinning down at them as they were arguing is what seems to be an apparition, 7 foot tall, draped in black hooded cloth which was once used by Cult of Apothecaries back at the era when the Roman Empire was nearly the ruler of all the civilized lands of the earth. Usually, when someone even of this size were to wear something as ridiculous as this would be laughed upon by the likes of Ronny and Eugene, but this was no laughing matter to anyone of them. This is because that 7 foot giant standing in front of them bears the exact same face and features of Eugene, the only difference which separates that thing when compared to Eugene is the fact that the 'thing' is looking ridiculously scary with the black hooded apparel, giving away the most sinister smile the both of them had ever seen in their entire life and also the fact that the 'thing' was at least a foot taller than Eugene.

    Ronny : Why is this fucker scaring you for? You don't look at the mirror when you wake up wan ark? Your face that scary is it? He looks just like you, he may even be your long lost twin la.

    Eugene: AiyoooJorjorjorjoRJOjor, I can swear to you on my own fucking grave I have no such twin! Why are we arguing now? Why must you always fucking correct me and argue even at times like this?! RONNY PLEASE!! Chin Huei is missing and this fucker is here out of nowhere! there must be something thats fucked up! CIAO!!!

    Ronny : Well maybe theres an explanatio-.......

    Before Ronny could complete his sentence, Eugene's fears were realized as the apparition came after them with a scythe that was drawn almost as if out of the darkness. The 'thing' went lashing at Ronny first, but due to years the of experience dodging basketballs and even cigarette smoke that was blown out by his friend's for fear of dying after inhaling second hand smoke, he evaded the scythe that was swung down at him with relative ease. Eugene too quickly grabbed Ronny's hand and ran out Chin Huey's porch to the neighborhood streets of Sunway. Though now somehow the streets seemed abandoned and worn out, the buildings around them looks as if they've been blasted and torn down into pieces, only rubbles remain of Chin Huei's house as they looked back while running. Eugene felt a great chill ran down his spine as he looked at the destruction and the desolate scenery around him, for as he was realizing the more differences around him a thought inside him came to be evermore true " Is this hell? ".
    Ronny however seems to not be taking notice of squat about the turn of events surrounding him.

    Ronny : Fucker... the fella old school balls... people use parang he go and use that grass cutter thing to chop me.. how can he chop me?!?! I AM PRO WEIH!!! FOOO!!! *shows his superman hand pose while running *




    Ronny : You mean you're long lost brother? Behind us la! that fella can run weih!

    Eugene : He is not even running! I don't see his legs!

    Ronny : Oh aren't you the smart one... His cloak so long you see cock meh?!

    Eugene : DUCK!!!!!!

    Ronny : WHAT?!

    Eugene had no time to respond to Ronny's ignorance and jumped over to him, pushing him down to the gravel floor along with himself, right at that moment the 'thing' pounced over them slashing twice, Ronny would've been dead had Eugene not pushed him on to the ground and ducked with him. Eugene is now in deep denial, not sure why in the world is there a 'clone' of him and why he is at Chin Huei's house to begin with, the clone is also attacking them like a wraith from the nether, he has no clue what has happened to Chin Huei or where he is and Eugene is now also afraid of getting him and his good buddy killed. To make matters worst, Ronny's slumber attitude towards this life and death situation.

    Ronny : You say duck... i thought you were saying the animal kind of "duck"


    Ronny : Instead of bombarding me with continuous assaults of words, why don't you figure out a way of getting this 'thing' or brother of yours to stop chasing us! It's not like I murdered his mum! or in this case... your mum!


    Ronny : Here he comes again.. RUN!!!

    The apparition now flies down towards them from the sky like a vengeful spirit who is after them for the sake of killing, as it approaches Eugene and Ronny sprawled on the ground, it draws it's scythe back to one side of it's waist for maximum strength and momentum. At this time, Eugene and Ronny can't help but think to themselves whether this is really gonna be the end of them. A thought crossed Ronny's mind saying how ridiculous it would be if he were to die to something he doesn't even really believe in. "Ghosts... " he says, " I'm gonna die to a freaking ghost!!! " . He then shuts his eyes, as if accepting the inevitable.

    *BANG!!!!! *

    Ronny and Eugene didn't know what happened or where the explosion of what seems to be a burst of gunshot which was fired , all they know is that right after that shot was fired, a deafening screech filled the quiet streets of Sunway. The screech was so unbearable that their eardrums was almost about to pop like a champagne cork. Just as it gets too much to bear, the screech was gone, and everything was quiet once again. The both of them opened their eyes and surveyed their surroundings, everything was back to normal again. The houses are now in their original inhabited state, the road is back to their original blackish gray condition and the desolate scenery around them has returned to it's latter aura of polluted Sunway.

    Ronny : God... my brain was about to pop into mince meat . .

    Eugene : What happened? whe... where is that thin-...

    Before Eugene could finish his sentence and get up from his sprawled condition, he saw someone's hand motioned towards him, gesturing him to grab it and stand up. Then a voice said. " That thing is an Enigma of you Eugene. Those kind of things are called Enigmas ". Eugene then stood up after being helped by that man and as he regains his composure again, he saw a big figured, well postured man standing in front of him, holding in his arms the weirdest shot-gun like contraption he had ever seen. Ronny then stood up and said to that mysterious man " K... Koon Teng ? "

    To Be Continued. . .

    Friday, July 20, 2007

    Jenediah's Kismet : Prologue - The Insight -

    Her blood trickled down the the walls of a bath-tub, tick by tick as though it is timed to the rhythmic perfection of a clock. The cold damp air of the bathroom where she laid motionless was still and cold. Tucked at the corner of this sorry sight, is a man crouching in denial. Tears ran through this man's face as though every ego left in him was sucked out through a vacuum pump. For 3 hours he has been crouched there, for 3 hours he had watched the carcass of a beautiful lady laid bare, and for 3 hours he cried in despair. After another brief repercussion , as though a switch inside his brain was flicked on, his head tilted upwards and then he said to himself in that quiet damp room " My name is Jenediah. I have no soul, no future, no place to call a home, and now.. no lover nor an ear to listen and a shoulder to lean on. My name is Jenediah, and I love my life ". He gave the sickest grin of a madman after saying that and left the room and the lady there.

    Somewhere at the other side of town as Jenediah grieved, two boys who are in their late teens were hanging out at a restaurant puffing away on fresh lit cigarettes and chatting away as though time is eternal and waits for every man. Their continuous chattering went on undisturbed, until a man who is clothed in a pair of jeans and a shirt which bears the logo "BRIDGESTONE", walks over to them and sits right next to one of the boys. "Hey fuckers, no need to go school arr fuck?! why the fuck are you here ?! and since when an emo fuck like you started smoking?! " said Eugene, the man who is clad in the Bridgestone shirt and a pair of jeans. "It's mid-term holiday la boss, chill la whats the stress , and quit calling me emo weih.. i am not emo anymore you fucker" says one of the boys named Ernest who is puffing away on a stick of Dunhill Cigarettes. Eugene, furious about how Ernest belittled him with his simple comment, snapped back at him with continuous bombardments about how Ernest is lame and dumb and not to mention. . . Emotional.

    Their rampant bombardments toward one another came to an abrupt end when Yao Rong told them to shut their mouths up and zip it under their nuts,Yao Rong or more commonly known by his acquaintances as Ronny, was the initial guy chattering away with Ernest till Eugene interrupted. " Where is Abel laa~~ ? I thought you're the one who was suppose to fetch him out " " Don't tell me you forgot again, you're looking fucking blur now and I bet.. - " Before Yao Rong could finish what seems to be an endless void of words directed towards Eugene . The tall bearded fellow snapped back at him saying " wait.. chill la fuck... can you let me talk arh? wat the fuck man... Abel can't come out... and before u start fucking again.. no , it ain't 'cause of his parents. Rather he is tired, apparently . . . . . . he was burning his midnight oil till his balls ran dry of sperm last night finishing his assignment. and apparently . . . . . . . he fought with his girlfriend. So you know la.. continuous non-stop action packed with tons of arguments and stress throughout the night for that young bugger " . Ronny, who didn't seem at all interested with the explanation, just nodded his head and continued puffing away on his Rothman Cigarette, it ain't long till Eugene brought a topic of conversation up again " EH FUCKER!! SINCE WHEN YOU SMOKED LA?!?! " . . The chattering amongst the 3 of them continued without no least sign indicating that it will ever stop. If every single detail of their conversation is written down and recorded, the process would be over-tedious, and if their conversations had been recorded from the moment they started talking till the time they left, the number of words written would outnumber any religious document in the world combined together, the only difference between the word in a Bible compared to the words recorded of them speaking. . . is that the Bible at the very least contains intellectual phrases and no vulgarity though the their recordings would outweigh the number of words contained in the Bible greatly.

    After all the arguments died down and the jokes worn out on them, the 2 of them decided to leave the place to rendezvous with a small humble man living alone in a squatter at Sunway, while Ernest decided to head on home to wear his fatigue off, bills were paid and tracks were left at the Restaurant of Darussalam , otherwise more commonly known as a mamak stall and it is named so after the people that are working at the restaurant, which of course is a mix of Muslim and Indian. As they come along the little squatter of the hermit friend of theirs, Ronny pulled his little Hyundai Coupe over to the side of the road and parked it with relative accuracy, after shutting off the engine, he said " Somehow as I pulled over to the side of the road as we came along Chin Huei's house, I felt like plowing my car through his gates and slam it straight into the wall's of his squatters man". Eugene then gave him a bored *wtf* look and replied with a frustrated *I don't give a fuck, I'm handsome and I'm a drag-racer* kind of tone " Tiu~~~Like REAL, you think we're inside some Resident Evil movie meh?? Fuck you la, everytime talk cock.. "

    They called for Chin Huei as they stepped out of the car though there was no reply coming from inside of the house, Eugene " Where can that fucking fucker of a fuck be weih? ". It is odd for Chin Huei to take so long, his small size is usually the main cause of him getting pushed over by tall bearded hustlers like Eugene, and being late to show is the main reason which triggers the continuous chain of abuse and torture towards that little guy and of course that is what the little guy tries his best to avoid. "Try calling him weih, maybe he was playing Megaman and is kissing the computer screen with a bottle of Heineken now " said Ronny amused while swinging his car keys like a hooker. 15 minutes went by and still there was no answer, nor even a single whisper in the wind was coming out of that lonely and what seemed to be abandoned house. It is there and then as Eugene was staring into the window that he spotted a little silhouette floating through the hallways, his eyes then focused even more into the house as he looked from the porch for any signs of that silhouette. As he was about to stop looking, there it was. His blood froze as that thing stared down onto Eugene like a minuscule little puppet from the insides of Chin Huei's house. Not knowing what was happening or why Eugene was looking like a retard, Ronny tugged him twice on the back to get his attention but as he looks into the direction of where Eugene was looking, he too got the shock of his life, as if acting on instinct after years of continuous gaming and fear management, Eugene snapped out of his stupor and whispered to Ronny gently , " R.. .. R. . . run...... we w .w we need to run... "

    To be continued,
    Credits to Chin Huei for the initial idea,
    Thim for sparking the craze of rewriting and rewiring,
    and the rest of my friend's whom I have found my solace in.


    There we go... Blog is back up and online...

    I know I know I have been away for almost ages... but I am back cause I needed a place to practice my English vocabulary and also the usage of grammar...

    So I guess this should be a start..

    I will be posting something of which the idea ( a grand one I must say ) comes from Chin Huey. (He's a fucker so no more introduction is needed on him )

    But unlike him i wouldn't be writing about REAL or whatever... something more . . . well.. thats for you to see and judge =)

    Till then.. take care and see ya~