Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Jenediah's Kismet : Chapter 2 - 13 Missed Calls -

The time is now 4am in the morning and even the streets of SS15 which is always packed with people is now nothing more than a lone filled gravel path which stretches on into eternity, only the most hardcore gamers, nocturnal venturers and bored to death college students dying to go out would be still hanging out at this area around this time. This busy and bustling section of Subang is centered around many housing estates which are more commonly known by their respective sections, SS14, SS12, SS10 or better known as Subang Parade and last but not least, SS 17. This housing area is no more different in comparison to any other sections in terms of lifeless streets and confusing alleyways which branches on and on to many more neighborhoods in the wee hours of the morning. But somewhere along the confusing alleyways and intersection sits a house where great evil lurks.

This house sits at a corner of a street in 17. Mellow orange paint is colored to the front exterior walls of this house, the gate painted with a dark solid green which bears a big symbol of the 'Masonry'. The house is dead silent and as dark as the void of a black hole, distant plops of water droplets could be heard coming from a leaking tap upstairs while everything else would've seem to have been abandoned had not the phone rang. Over the hallways of the 1st floor where the rings have been coming from, one could see that there is actually life in this house through the evidence of light protruding from the little cracks at the bottom of a wooden door. Having said that, comes the end of this boring and draggy introduction meant to bore the lights out of every living being.

The rings of Abel's hand phone which seems to go on forever is left unanswered, sitting stagnant on the desk of his computer table right next to him. He isn't the kind of guy that would leave his calls unattended but a prior event had left him blasting his headphones away to hard-rock genres with the likes of Breaking Benjamin, making it impossible for him to even hardly notice that his phone was going bananas. Looking like a train wreck, his eye lids are looking as though they are at the edge of crashing down towards the other end while his eye bags are so huge they would make no difference when compared to a bump in the road, even the color of the eye bags are solid black and his face as pale as a ghost. This is what he would call "A masterpiece of art created using nothing but lack of sleep for 5 days running and fueled by unlimited cans of coke ". Finally giving in to his fatigue, he shut his computer down and took off his headphones.

Abel : Gawdddd, finally I'm done with this screwed ass assignments....

?!?!?: Good, then we can finally play... *giggles*

That voice came from inside the room where he was, it originated from behind him just as he was about to get off the comp, he stoned and right at that moment tons of voices and thoughts filled his mind. As if like how his friends would put it, Abel is as of that moment "StunTED for 10 seconds". Finally he came up with a simple logical conclusion to sum up the strange phenomenon that had just occurred.

Abel: How could you be here babe, you won't even wanna see me now that you're mad at me. I'm just imagining shit. *sigh* I should really get some rest, my mind's fucked.

?!?!?: But I am here sweetie. Right beside you.. *grins*

Abel: B... Ba..BA....bA.... Babe?? Whaa???

Yin?!: Hehehehe, ba ba black sheep?

Abel: no..... what are you doing here?? Aren't you...

Yin?!: Mad? hehe no silly why would i be? just 'cuz we fought? *smiles devilishly*

Sitting on Abel's bed whom he swears with all his heart is his beloved girlfriend, but something is different with her tonight. First of all she isn't even allowed to go out in the wee hours of the morning let alone be in his house. How could she have gotten in without him noticing? Was he that blur and ignorant? Though every part of her remains exactly the same. Somehow she was behaving strangely, as though the naughty side of her has came out to play. Abel then approached her inch by inch inspecting every part of her, also of course keeping his mind as straight and awake as possible. After a thorough inspection of her, using EYES ONLY of course Abel concluded that it is her but.... one part about her gave abel the creeps, the evil devilish goth grin.

Abel: You hate being emo, why are u...

Yin?!: Aww since you look so emo thats why I followed sayang. Why? Don't believe this is me? come here.....

Abel just hates being interrupted and of all people he knows his own girlfriend knows that best. Finally as though the coke he drank half an hour earlier prior to whats happening now finally gave him a kick in the mind, he noticed that his so called beloved sweetheart is taller than him. Not wanting to know who this abomination actually was, and also not wanting to let the 'thing' know that Abel has already blown it's cover, Abel kept his cool, he also realizes by now that he was shivering, as though he is face to face with a visible ghost.

Abel: I don't wanna sound draggy cause I know you hate it when i ask too much but.. you're not what I think you are... Are you?

Yin?!: Why sweetie... I can be anything you want... anything *giggles*

Abel: Thats it, it's either I'm fucking dreaming or you're a fucking morphling.

Yin?!: Heheehehe, how could I be a morphling? sweet, you're playing too much DotA


Yin?!: Oh boy, like how you petty scums would put it in your lowly slangs, KANTOI!!!! *cackles*

Abel: By the light SCREW YOU!!!!!

Just as the apparition or what Koon Teng calls it as Enigma was about to charge towards Abel, the doors burst open and a beam of bright light filtered the dim room making the Enigma flee. Screeching and cursing in an unknown tongue, it left behind a trail of darkness leading out through the window and on to the grounds of the floor beneath,continuing all the way towards the back alley.

Thim Zing: Bro, you okay? Are you hurt?

Abel: No.... but that thing, is it a..

Thim Zing: Succubus? Not likely but it is an abomination of evil if thats what you're thinking, it manifested using the hatred and the evil side of your girlfriend's mind, thats why it took the shape of your girlfriend. That thing is called an Enigma.

Abel: So I'm guessing, if it manifested, it must be a summoned creature of someone. If thats the puppet, then whose the Eidolon?

Thim Zing: As of now we don't know.. but you gotta come with us Abel, you better thank God that the thing never transported you into the Nether. Otherwise you would be fucked and it would be hard to get you outta there, like what happened to Eugene and Yao Rong.

Abel: WhA?! You mean their victimized too?! Wait, are they alright?! SHIT... IF THAT THING WAS SUMMONED USING MY GIRLFRIEND.. THEN WHERE IS SHE?!?! I GOTTA FIND HER!!!

Thim Zing: Relax, Yao Rong and Eugene is alright now, they tried calling you to warn you, but you somehow weren't picking up so they feared the worst. Their still shaken badly, thats why i came. As for your girlfriend we'll leave to find her if you want, we'll get to her as soon as you're ready.

Abel: thanks, this is a good day for a bad thing to happen. Look, it's even 4.44am now.

Thim Zing: I may not be superstitious but I guess I have to agree with you somewhat about all these events occurring today on the 13th of the month. And to think that it's Friday.

Abel: Okay besides that, what is that white light that you used to save my ass?

Thim Zing: The SonyEricsson's Handphone's Flashlight, the one which i borrowed from Yao Rong.

Abel: . . . . . . .

Thim Zing: Relax, i'm trying to cheer you up.

Abel: I know.. let's go, let me pick up me stuff first.
Abel picked up his essentials, especially his handphone. He checked it and weird enough, it is written there, 13 missed calls, 4.44am 13th of June. Even though he was still traumatized, he soon gain back his composure and grinned.

Abel: Fucking Eugene, even at times like this he still wants to jynx me by calling me 13 times.

To be continued,
PS: Sorry for the long post, a week's break from writing made me a little draggy and boring. Don't blame me, blame the assignments for making me so boring.

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