Friday, July 20, 2007

Jenediah's Kismet : Prologue - The Insight -

Her blood trickled down the the walls of a bath-tub, tick by tick as though it is timed to the rhythmic perfection of a clock. The cold damp air of the bathroom where she laid motionless was still and cold. Tucked at the corner of this sorry sight, is a man crouching in denial. Tears ran through this man's face as though every ego left in him was sucked out through a vacuum pump. For 3 hours he has been crouched there, for 3 hours he had watched the carcass of a beautiful lady laid bare, and for 3 hours he cried in despair. After another brief repercussion , as though a switch inside his brain was flicked on, his head tilted upwards and then he said to himself in that quiet damp room " My name is Jenediah. I have no soul, no future, no place to call a home, and now.. no lover nor an ear to listen and a shoulder to lean on. My name is Jenediah, and I love my life ". He gave the sickest grin of a madman after saying that and left the room and the lady there.

Somewhere at the other side of town as Jenediah grieved, two boys who are in their late teens were hanging out at a restaurant puffing away on fresh lit cigarettes and chatting away as though time is eternal and waits for every man. Their continuous chattering went on undisturbed, until a man who is clothed in a pair of jeans and a shirt which bears the logo "BRIDGESTONE", walks over to them and sits right next to one of the boys. "Hey fuckers, no need to go school arr fuck?! why the fuck are you here ?! and since when an emo fuck like you started smoking?! " said Eugene, the man who is clad in the Bridgestone shirt and a pair of jeans. "It's mid-term holiday la boss, chill la whats the stress , and quit calling me emo weih.. i am not emo anymore you fucker" says one of the boys named Ernest who is puffing away on a stick of Dunhill Cigarettes. Eugene, furious about how Ernest belittled him with his simple comment, snapped back at him with continuous bombardments about how Ernest is lame and dumb and not to mention. . . Emotional.

Their rampant bombardments toward one another came to an abrupt end when Yao Rong told them to shut their mouths up and zip it under their nuts,Yao Rong or more commonly known by his acquaintances as Ronny, was the initial guy chattering away with Ernest till Eugene interrupted. " Where is Abel laa~~ ? I thought you're the one who was suppose to fetch him out " " Don't tell me you forgot again, you're looking fucking blur now and I bet.. - " Before Yao Rong could finish what seems to be an endless void of words directed towards Eugene . The tall bearded fellow snapped back at him saying " wait.. chill la fuck... can you let me talk arh? wat the fuck man... Abel can't come out... and before u start fucking again.. no , it ain't 'cause of his parents. Rather he is tired, apparently . . . . . . he was burning his midnight oil till his balls ran dry of sperm last night finishing his assignment. and apparently . . . . . . . he fought with his girlfriend. So you know la.. continuous non-stop action packed with tons of arguments and stress throughout the night for that young bugger " . Ronny, who didn't seem at all interested with the explanation, just nodded his head and continued puffing away on his Rothman Cigarette, it ain't long till Eugene brought a topic of conversation up again " EH FUCKER!! SINCE WHEN YOU SMOKED LA?!?! " . . The chattering amongst the 3 of them continued without no least sign indicating that it will ever stop. If every single detail of their conversation is written down and recorded, the process would be over-tedious, and if their conversations had been recorded from the moment they started talking till the time they left, the number of words written would outnumber any religious document in the world combined together, the only difference between the word in a Bible compared to the words recorded of them speaking. . . is that the Bible at the very least contains intellectual phrases and no vulgarity though the their recordings would outweigh the number of words contained in the Bible greatly.

After all the arguments died down and the jokes worn out on them, the 2 of them decided to leave the place to rendezvous with a small humble man living alone in a squatter at Sunway, while Ernest decided to head on home to wear his fatigue off, bills were paid and tracks were left at the Restaurant of Darussalam , otherwise more commonly known as a mamak stall and it is named so after the people that are working at the restaurant, which of course is a mix of Muslim and Indian. As they come along the little squatter of the hermit friend of theirs, Ronny pulled his little Hyundai Coupe over to the side of the road and parked it with relative accuracy, after shutting off the engine, he said " Somehow as I pulled over to the side of the road as we came along Chin Huei's house, I felt like plowing my car through his gates and slam it straight into the wall's of his squatters man". Eugene then gave him a bored *wtf* look and replied with a frustrated *I don't give a fuck, I'm handsome and I'm a drag-racer* kind of tone " Tiu~~~Like REAL, you think we're inside some Resident Evil movie meh?? Fuck you la, everytime talk cock.. "

They called for Chin Huei as they stepped out of the car though there was no reply coming from inside of the house, Eugene " Where can that fucking fucker of a fuck be weih? ". It is odd for Chin Huei to take so long, his small size is usually the main cause of him getting pushed over by tall bearded hustlers like Eugene, and being late to show is the main reason which triggers the continuous chain of abuse and torture towards that little guy and of course that is what the little guy tries his best to avoid. "Try calling him weih, maybe he was playing Megaman and is kissing the computer screen with a bottle of Heineken now " said Ronny amused while swinging his car keys like a hooker. 15 minutes went by and still there was no answer, nor even a single whisper in the wind was coming out of that lonely and what seemed to be abandoned house. It is there and then as Eugene was staring into the window that he spotted a little silhouette floating through the hallways, his eyes then focused even more into the house as he looked from the porch for any signs of that silhouette. As he was about to stop looking, there it was. His blood froze as that thing stared down onto Eugene like a minuscule little puppet from the insides of Chin Huei's house. Not knowing what was happening or why Eugene was looking like a retard, Ronny tugged him twice on the back to get his attention but as he looks into the direction of where Eugene was looking, he too got the shock of his life, as if acting on instinct after years of continuous gaming and fear management, Eugene snapped out of his stupor and whispered to Ronny gently , " R.. .. R. . . run...... we w .w we need to run... "

To be continued,
Credits to Chin Huei for the initial idea,
Thim for sparking the craze of rewriting and rewiring,
and the rest of my friend's whom I have found my solace in.

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