Sunday, September 9, 2007

Jenediah's Kismet : Chapter 6 - The Last Sabbath of United Heaven -

After having answered the call of nature coupled with a freshly lit cigarette in his hand, KT continued his story of how Lucifer rallied his most loyal of advocates to his side in protest towards God for not allowing humans to be granted the gift of knowing whats right and wrong.

KT: Okay, where was I?

Ronny: . . . . . . you were at the part where you retrospected about how God hatched up a devious plan to end the unrest invoked by Lucifer in Heaven.

KT: Ahh yes, must explain meh? I'm feeling a teeny bit lazy. Not a lot, just a teeny bit lazy.

Ronny: You made me sit here for so long, and now you don't wanna end it? You're already half way through weih!

KT: It's not like you have a choice whether you wanna sit here or not, you wanna risk being hounded by one of those enigma beings again? Go on ahead if you dare, nyahahahahahahahahha

Ronny: Please, enough. Tell me the latter part of the story.

KT: Alright alright, chill la. *chuckles in amusement* Anyway, God just said to them in a real simple manner. Short and simple and clear, He told Lucifer that Lucifer was to end the uprising immediately for God was the one and only person with the authority and creator of all creations. So His judgment or decision is the verdict and and has the last say towards everything. It's sorta like dictatorship up there in Heaven.

Ronny: So what did Lucifer do?

KT: I told you, one who is deprived will fight to the very ends of his very soul to end that depravation.

Ronny: But it wasn't Lucifer that was deprived but the humans, right?

KT: Exactly, but Lucifer is speaking for the humans. Believe it or not, he is the forefather for our ruling system now. That is if you wanna go back to the days of heaven, before any man or country was created. If thats your case then you would have to look at Lucifer as the main creator of democracy.

Ronny: So what we're living through now and the government is practicing heresy?

KT: Not exactly, Lucifer is just speaking about the freedom of the people to know and be able to choose between whats right and whats wrong. Lucifer is forever condemned as evil cause he is now the devil, but if you look at things in a more in-depth kind of view, before he became who he is now, he was a very rightful and just man. Sort of like God.

Ronny: Okay okay enough, I'm confused already. Just tell me what happened after Lucifer denied to stop the uprising he invoked.

KT: Simple, God sent him down to hell to start his own world. And those who are loyal to him shall do whatever that is fit for themselves.

Ronny: Then why did Lucifer turned to the outrageous and zealous murdering tyrant he is now?

KT: That is also very simple to explain and realize. He wanted to go against whatever God has constructed and every single morals that God upholds.

Ronny: WHA????

KT: . . . . .. okay. Lucifer wanted to be the opposite of God. Like if God is Sentinels, then Lucifer shall gladly take the position of being the Scourge. Understand?

Ronny: Oh say la, so what about Valhalla Knights? Monster Hunters? Who is who?

KT: . . . . . . . . . . . I am speechless.

As though the conversation and petty talks were to go on forever. Eugene who was still sound asleep in the sofa of his house suddenly woke up screaming and gasping for help and of course, air. KT and Ronny rushed in to find Eugene yet again being strangled by an enigma of himself. KT straightaway picked up his cross-gun awaiting for a clear shot when he noticed that by firing, hurting Eugene would be inevitable. Ronny stood in absolute horror, but as though someone gave a big kick into his behind which triggered the switch of his thinking system, he scuffled frantically to grab one of the idol statues of the Buddhist religion at the altar of Eugene's house to try and subdue the enigma.

KT: You can't hurt those damn things with that statue!!! Their of a different religion!! They don't know those gods!

Ronny: How am I suppose to know?! You're just standing there!!! Do something!!!

Eugene:I...I..... wou-....would apppp... appreciate it if you guys help me instead of just standing there and argue amongst yourselves!!!

Ronny: Don't you have a bible at home?!

Eugene: You.... you... stupid ar-k?! I keep bible for what?!?!

KT jumped on the enigma to try and break Eugene free from it's grip-lock but whatever earthly strength he implies to break the enigma's grip free of Eugene was futile. When Eugene was about to go into an unconscious lapse, someone pushed KT away from the enigma smacked it hard with a book of some sort and the enigma's grip was free of Eugene. After regaining his steps, KT noticed that it was Reuben and in his hands were....

KT: A Bible?

Reuben: I'll tell you later. Say something to banish it!

KT: I don't read the bible, the hell am I suppose to know?!

Ronny: Then how were you able to talk so much cock about heaven and hell just now?!


As though the word and works of the devil wasn't passed around enough. But at that moment Thim Zing appeared with a great white light which then change into a great void of darkness which seems to be sucking every corners of light around him into his hands. The enigma was sucked in with relative ease and the void disappeared soon after.

KT: Speak of the devil....

Thim Zing: Amen.....


Ronny: Face problem.........

-To be continued-

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