Saturday, August 11, 2007

Jenediah's Kismet : Chapter 5 - Creation -

Back at Yin Shi's pleace, the room where she resides was filled with an eye stinging stench of sulfur. Thim's eyes bulged the moment he entered the room, in front of him stood Abel with a grim look in his face. Pacing slowly towards Yin's bed, Abel stared down onto the motionless body of Yin, mangled and sprawled on the floor. There was still hope however, for Yin's mangled body, regardless of whatever torture she was subjected to was still intact and in a whole. Her body was filled with scratch-marks and tainted with blood, Thim tried his best at this point to say something to soothe the sight that he and Abel were going through, but he knows no words could even put the most benign emotions of Abel to rest.

Abel: . . . . B.. Babe?

Abel tugged Yin gently laying at the corner of the room, to his utmost relief he could feel her still breathing and sense a weak pulse by checking her wrist. Whilst busy pouring his all into the efforts of resuscitating his girlfriend, Thim scanned for clues of what might have taken place in Yin's room. It is then when Thim spotted a conspicuous sign of heresy that stood out in that room.

Thim: Abel . . . I think you should see this. . .

. . . . . . .

Thim: Abel . . . Please, just one mo-

Abel: WHAT?!?! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT I'M BU- . . .

Abel's words were cut short after spotting a sign in which he hasn't seen since the days of his Church ethics. He turned against the teachings due to his own personal reasons, but it is with that sign in which trigerred every memory and dictum thought by Abel's Reverend to pour into him in the speed of light.

Abel: The horned star. . . Which blasted mind of a person could be......... wait.... this isn't human..

Thim: And what makes you think so?

Abel: Sulfur . . . . You don't see any gunshots fired upon in this room do you? Did you see any slightest trace of gunpowder left in this room?

Thim: Your point?

Abel: Don't interrogate me Thim, you know clearly what other thing bears the smell of sulfur other than gunpowder, and it is NOT an object.

Thim: I deal with Enigmas, but I'm sure they don't smell like sulfur.

Abel: Imps . . they were here.

Thim: . . . . The pact is-

Thim's words were always cut short by everyone, I guess it is in his nature for being very courteous and honorable towards everyone else. But this time it isn't Abel that snapped the words out of his tongue, but rather the budging of the cabinet next to where Yin was laid unconscious. Yin was awake.

Abel: Babe..... you alright?? Hush now, don't say a thing, we'll get you out of here.

Yin: It hurts... it..

Abel: I know, hang in there. Thim, you don't mind driving her to the hospital?

Thim: Even if it was someone I hate that was dying I would still drive that person there, what more when it comes to you and someone important to you, get her up.. let's go. . we'll talk about who might be the culprit behind all these defiled works.

With that said, Abel picked up his girlfriend with all his might and quickly waltz towards the doorway and into the car. Dawn was breaking, the sounds of birds chirping indicates the light of a new day now arising. It is then when Abel thought of the whereabouts of every one of his buddies. He said a small prayer asking for guidance and safety from the heavens on all of his beloved and cared people. That was the first time he prayed in 3 years.

To be continued.

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