Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Jenediah's Kismet : Chapter 4 - Sabbath -

Ronny tried his best to retrace the events that had just taken place at Chin Huei's crib the evening before, sitting opposite of him at the front porch of Eugene's single-story house was Koon Teng puffing away on a stick of Sevens. Eugene on the other hand was trying his best to shrug the horrid manifestation of him which he saw the night before off his head while trying to get a moment's shut-eye while the other two remains awake. Knowing that Ronny's head is teeming with questions, Koon Teng finally spoke out.

KT: Just ask, not like I'm gonna shoot you balls.

Ronny: How did er.... When d-.... Where-.... wait.... what should i ask first?

KT: What do YOU wanna know first?

Ronny: I don't know, my mind has so much uncertainties and its so confused right now I think I'm about to blow.

KT: Blow job?

Ronny: Don't cock please...

KT: FoooH... you?! saying that to me?! I must be dreaming!

Ronny: Okay okay,first and foremost! what the hell was that?! Why in the world? How?! Where?! Who?!

Sensing Ronny's uneasiness, he killed the remains of his cigarette in a tray and breathes out the last puff of his first cigarette in a day. He placed away the gun-like contraption of his and gripped his fists together in a posture of wanting to explain something to Ronny in secrecy.

KT: Whatever you saw as of last night was something that was suppose to be bound to the depths of hell and as of that moment, proof that the great pact made between Heaven and Hell a thousand scores ago was made evident.

Ronny: Pack? Backpack?

KT: . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ronny: No no seriously, what the fuck is that suppose to mean?

KT: I forgotten that you're not religious especially in terms of Christianity, you se-....

Ronny: I thought you were not inclined with this subject as well.

KT: Well, then you didn't know me well enough I guess. Now shush and let me continue,in theory, ages ago, when humanity was still a young race that was flourishing on the earth's harvest, produce and treasures. The Devil continuously took shapes of different manifestation to draw the small population of those flourishing humans away from the grave of God, to turn away from the great Father. It was even in the beginning of man dated back to Adam and Eve that you've seen the Devil trying his utmost best to persuade the greatest, most intelligent beings of God to turn from His graces. If you were to read through the Bible now, you could see that many great figures had fallen from God's grace in the Devil's sheer contentment. Samson, Judas and even the likes of Jesus had at least once been tempted by the Devil.

Ronny: Then why didn't God did something la? Since He was so powerful he could just have slapped the Devil in the face and he would die right?

KT: You see, call it His weakness if that is the way you want to put it. But God loves all creations, even the Devil, you do know how he came about right?

Ronny: What? The Devil? Lucifer la... God's greatest angel and right hand, the second in command of all the company in Heaven.

KT: Yes and do you know about the story of his fall from grace?

Ronny: Errr, cause he wanna memberontak and take over God's place?

KT: Close, but not close enough. You see, God said to Lucifer that the creation of humans would be almost the exact same replicas of the angel's themselves, but only one thing would differ the humans from the great angels in heaven. That difference would be that the humans would know no knowledge of evil and anything similar to that cruel mistake. Lucifer objected that the Humans should not be discarded of that knowledge and live naively in the depths of Eden ever praising God but instead they should also know about the harsher part of life, it is only by knowing the difference between good and evil would they then know how to really appreciate the great ones in Heaven. God however shunned him and humiliated Lucifer with drastic words in front of nearly every company of Heaven.

Ronny: So it is then that Lucifer thinks that he could do a better job right? And that is when he finally wants to take over?

KT: Yes but not exactly, you see when humans are deprived of something, they would make sure to fight to the very ends to end that deprivation. That was just what Lucifer did, he protested and made his protests known in the highest corners of Heaven, he rallied his best and most loyal advocates to aid him in the protest. They finally did achieve to get God's attention to hatch up a plan, but they didn't know it would be the worst plan ever in the world. . . . . . .

Ronny: And.........?

KT: Relax, I need to piss and smoke, throat dry already balls.

Ronny: Potong steam. . . . . . . . .

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